iCORA är en webbaserad databas för rapportering av återfynd av ringmärkta tranor och tranor med GPS-enhet i Europa. Webbsidan erbjuder möjligheten att rapportera observationer av tranor eller om man har pejlat och hört en tranas VHF. När man har rapporterat sin observation får man återkoppling med den unika tranans livshistoria och en karta över var den tidigare observerats.
New rings in Brandenburg and southern Western Pomerania:
In Brandenburg and southern Western Pomerania (Germany), alphanumeric rings have also been used since this year. They can be on the right or left above the intertarsal joint. The metal ring is then either on the other side (tibia) or on the tarsus on the right or left. This means that there are six different possible combinations, which can make classification easier in cases of doubt. The code consists of an X at the front (bottom), a contr
ol letter and two digits.Problems with iCORA:
Currently some functions in iCORA are not fully available after login. For example, the buttons on the left (such as "Report ringed cranes", "My cranes", etc.) are without labels or the loading of your own cranes under "My cranes" does not occur, instead only the queue with the flying birds can be seen forever. Then the language must be set, e.g. to "English". Thank you for your patience.
Colour brown now also in the individual code (right):
In Stefan Kroll's photo, the difference between brown and red is very easy to see, but unfortunately not always when reading under poor visibility conditions.
Good crane year in many breeding areas in Germany:
Due to the rainfall in autumn and winter, many breeding sites were again suitable for crane breeding last spring. This resulted in a higher number of young, of which 293 could be ringed in Germany this year. Many ornithologists reported families with young to us, so we did not have to drive around and search so much. But also the ringing teams have more experience from year to year and thus a higher success rate. The overview map shows the ringing locations.